WoW PvP Guide - Top Notch World of Warcraft Solutions for PvP Arena and BGs

· 2 min read
WoW PvP Guide - Top Notch World of Warcraft Solutions for PvP Arena and BGs

If you're a gamer in WoW who is obsessed with PvP, it's difficult to lose when you go to a World of Warcraft battlefield or enter an arena game. I remember how gruelling it was to struggle to earn the 1800 rating required to be eligible to receive the daggers. Also, my realm lost 10-20 bgs consecutively. The honor points reward was very inadequate for the amount of time I spent. To become a winner even in the event that I was a pugilist in the BG, I decided to learn from the top WoW PvP players.

This guide was excellent and not just because it introduced me to the high rating PvP gaming in WoW, but also helped me develop my PvP skills and reflexes for every battle scenario. This is why I'll highlight here two great strategies for PvP that allowed me and my team to be successful in many games.

Strategy For Solo Battlegrounds Gameplay

Most World of Warcraft gamers are aware that in order to win a BG they must concentrate on team work instead of scoring a high score on the board, but sometimes , your team is weak in PvP or they don't care about the result. Reduce the BG to a single-player game. As a soloist in an BG that appears lost just by looking at your teammates the goal is to take as many kills as possible in order to increase your honor points gain.

This is accomplished by advancing to the highest amount of players and killing all those who are not well equipped. If you find one or two players that meet these "requirements", and they are easy to beat You should look for them throughout the BG. Kill them as many times as possible. It may sound harsh but it's an intense battle. If you're participating in a battle at an BG base or tower ensure you assail other players and have all of them take on the same goal.

PvP Guide - Best Strategy for Rogue and Mage Duo

While a mage rogue set-up is a full DPS one, it's vital that both players focus on your crowd controlling abilities as well. The rogue sprints forward, staying clear of opponents AoE abilities. The rogue immediately starts damaging (with stunlock) and the other. The mage assists with the rogue. If the sapped one uses his trinket , the mage must immediately sheep. The sheep effect should have ended when the first target has died.  FREE 51 If there is a paladin in the other team, he is the first target to be targeted until he pops up. Rogue uses the Cloak Shadows to disappear and then create a spell that makes him invisible. Once the bubble has passed, just re-open on the paladin and take him down.

Because this is a full damage dealing team, it's essential to find an opening in the defenses of the opposing team and quickly and hit first, the one that has the weakest ability to mitigate and CC the other one regardless of who is the healer.

These are just some of the common strategies I learned from the WoW PvP Guide that I mentioned, strategies I feel fit my character and the way I play. Whatever class you are, there will be strategies, setups and build-ups for your talent.

Don't rush into buying the first WoW PvP guide you see. Make sure you get a good one, like the one I got.